been to placebo yesterday night.
the organizers thought that one entrance is enough for 5000.well i don't think the public injoys the sheep flock feeling.
or should i connect it with being an orange event? last week at the last playa i was surprised to find that there are no bracelets or any sign that you entered the gig area.if you went out you had to pay come back...
i very much like the space ( arenele romane ) and i found the perfect spot, perfect vision on the stage and on the public and an "ok" sound ( although you could say that the sound wasn't that good ).
the music mooved me at the beggining.infrared meds and because i want you bitter end are amongst my favourites although i would have liked to hear follow the cops back home.
some videos here here and here

mie nu mi'a placut deloc. au cantat prea repede, reci si distanti. au tratat concertul ca pe un de-tour de la turneul programat, un show pe care nu doreau sa-l faca, but hell the money are good. no heart, no connection. desi au cantat corect si a sunat bine. am dansat, am cantat, dar nu il voi pastra in memorie. dezamagit
i heard that this is exactly placebo live.
cold distant.
this is my first one so i wouldn't know
Pentru un concert asa de important pentru noi ca romanashi si pentru tine ca amator de gen, mi-ar fi placut un post mai cu feeling si substanta... si mai multe poze would have been nice... apropo, hit a spellchecker for your posts once in a while, it's a quite entertaining sport :)
Enjoy the music.
nu stiu cum a fost la bucuresti, eu am vazut Placebo acum 3 ani la Budapesta, da' nu stiu... nu mi s-au parut distanti, chiar Molko a vorbit cite ceva intre piese [nu intre toate]...
oricum, nu stiu cit de apropiati de public ar trebui sa fie cei de pe scena... ei vin, cinta, si gata. asta cam e treaba lor. da, ca unele formatii fac un jam-session din concert, asta e cu totul altceva.
am auzit ca si Depeche au fost distanti, adica Gahan, ca el comunica cel mai mult pe scena. mie mi-a fost ok. nu vreau sa-mi vorbeasca. vreau sa-mi cinte. :)
dear lemming.
it was an important concert.
i learned that i don't want to carry my camera with me all the time.especially at concerts.
i'm not an acredited journalist yet.
don't get me wrong.i liked the concert.if you read my posts about concerts and gigs you will see that they have a critic aproach.
as for placebo they aren't my favourites.went to the concert because somehow i got to listen to meds.i'm not an old fan.
nevertheless it was a good concert.
i was surprised because of the second bis.and surprised that they didn't promote meds so much which is what they did this summer in most of the places where they sang.
mie cel mai mult mi-a placut cind a cintat baiatu la chitara de pe jos asa si toate fetele se intindeau sa-l atinga. si baietii. a fost super. in rest nu mi-a placut nimic. nici ca baiatu de la voce s-a tuns nu mi-a placut.
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