Is gmail going really mad? Can someone please explain this? I'm trying to send an e-mail, late in the evening but who the fuck do you think you are google to tell me to go to bed? Ok, I had a glass of wine but I'm still able to write and send an e-mail.
Check it, nu stiu daca o sa mearga, dar cand esti logata in contul de GMAIL te duci la SETTINGS (dreapta sus), apoi dai click pe LABS (pe acelasi rand cu General, Accounts...) si cauti Mail Goggles (by Jon P) si dai Disable. Sper sa-ti mearga.
Check it, nu stiu daca o sa mearga, dar cand esti logata in contul de GMAIL te duci la SETTINGS (dreapta sus), apoi dai click pe LABS (pe acelasi rand cu General, Accounts...) si cauti Mail Goggles (by Jon P) si dai Disable.
Sper sa-ti mearga.
Du-te in Gmail la Settings -> Labs si dezactiveaza feature-ul Mail Goggles.
O mare prostie. O fi vazut google ca am paharul de vin pe masa?
Daca e asa ma las de internet si ma mut la tara sa cresc ridichi.
In mod normal, optiunea asta ti-o activezi tu...
Hmm, mi-as fi amintit daca as fi activat ceva de genul asta.
Nu imi arde de rezolvat probleme de matematica in mijlocul noptii.
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