Aug 22, 2011

I've always been happily sad

What do you do when you're sad?
I watch this one.

It's longer than the average 3min cat video you like on facebook, requires focus and availability.

If this didn't make you close the window, then there's some pretty neat ideas in it.
- All the good friendships are based on confessions of things that the world thinks of as unacceptable
- Marriage out of love and having a job you love destroys the “safety valves” - the hobby and the mistress.
- Sadness improves your sex appeal.
- For the cheerful side of pessimism and how to be happily sad - put a skull on your desk cause that is going to make you more focused on what's important.
- In the moments of darkness you have the best insights into what you really need in life.
- A man should swallow a toad every morning to be sure of not meeting with anything more disgusting in the day ahead

" Let's all share some misfortune cookies"

Alain de Botton - On Pessimism from The School of Life on Vimeo.

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