Feb 28, 2007

do you wanna be in a newspaper?

it's 4 easy steps:
1. take a picture of yourself naked
2. package shot plus logo
3.save it in a printable format.
4.send it to paper.
Easy isn't it?

"This guy created a fake ad for Gucci using a photo of himself, and asked the Swiss weekly SonntagsZeitung to run it, which it did. He also told the paper to send the $50,000 bill to Gucci, which it did. Now the paper is trying to find the guy, which it can't."
via fabrica


otrava said...

foarte tare blog. esti meserias. eu sunt la inceput invat sa merg. poate treci si pe la mine sa vezi daca cresc bine. astept un semn. multumesc pt minutul acordat. http://bloguluotrava.blogspot.com/

ktx said...

wow! crazy story :)