Oct 18, 2011


For me, Mad Men never did it. I have no idea why. Everyone around me loved it. I didn't manage to go pass episode 4. But in this mash-up, Don Draper says something that caught my attention.
He talks about nostalgia and how important it is in advertising.

" It's delicate but potent(..) nostalgia literally means the pain from an old wound, it's a twinge in the heart, far more powerful than the memory alone"

Wikipedia doesn't literally agree, Bruce McCall says that nostalgia is one of the most utterly useless human emotions, but I like Don Draper's version (cause I'm a sucker for nice words)

Well, tonight, nostalgia got me very excited. So while listening to this, oh my, so impossibly sweet song, I'm happy to be nostalgic.
Candy anyone?